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Part – I: General Information

1.1 Date of notification of the Centre(attach a copy of the notification):

1.2 Details of Director, CIQA:

1.3 Details of CIQA Committee:

  1. Composition as per Regulations

    Sr. No. Designation Nomination as Name and qualification Specialization Date of Nomination in CIQA Committee
    a. Vice Chancellor of the University Chairperson Dr. Vandana Mishra 20-April 2019
    b. Three Senior teachers of HEI Member 1 Mr. Milind Killpadi 20-April 2019
    Member 2 Ms. Aarti
    Member 3 Mr. Kishore
    c. Head of three Departments or School of Studiesfrom which programme is being offered in ODL and Online mode Member 4 Ms. Bhakti Naik 20-April 2019
    Member 5 Mr. Naeem Pathan
    Member 6 Mr. Imran Pathan
    d. Two External Experts of ODL and/or Online Education Member 7 Mr. Abul Hasan Ranjani
    Member 8 Mr. Fahim Nathoo
    e. Officials from departments of HEI
    • Administration
    • Finance
    Member 9
    Mr. Auzwil Vaz B.Com 25 - November 2020
    Member 10
    f. Director, CIQA Member Secretary Dr. Ashish Jadhav - PHD Engineering 3 October 2020
  2. Whether members mentioned at ‘b’ to ‘e’ changed every 2 years? (Y/N)

    If No, reason thereof


1.4 Number of meetings held and its approval:

  1. No. of meetings held every year: 2

  2. Meeting details:

    Meetings Date-Month-Year No. of External Expert Present Minutes Approval of Minutes
    Meeting 1 PDF PDF
    Meeting 2 PDF PDF

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