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Part – X: Innovative and Best Practices

10.1 Innovations introduced during academic year

  1. The content of Self Learning Material have been developed with dialogue and personal system of writing method which will create the nature of interactivity in Self Learning Material.
  2. The new Self Learning Material will encourage learner to apply new knowledge and skills.
  3. Introduction of new clear definition of learning objectives and outcomes.
  4. The content have been divided into small sections (blocks) and sub-sections (units and sub-units) for effective learning.
  5. Assignment on each learning objective for self-assessment.
  6. The learner shall be directed through problem solving activities as applicable to nature of the course.

10.2 Best Practices of the HEI

  1. Self-Assessment Kit comprising , problems, quizzes, assignments and solutions and setting up the FAQS and clarifications on general misconceptions.
  2. 2.Case-based learning (CBL)- Leaming is of value only when one can apply it in real-world scenarios. CBL is a crucial part of our programs hence promoting higher levels of cognition, versatility, and efficient self-guided learning.
  3. 3.Digital Library - Learner get access to extensive online articles, case studies, journals so that you are able to gain in-depth knowledge of your subjects./li>

10.3 Details of Job Fairs conducted by the HEI

10.4 Details of Job Fairs conducted by the HEI

10.5 Details of Job Fairs conducted by the HEI

10.6 Details of Job Fairs conducted by the HEI

10.7 Details of Job Fairs conducted by the HEI

10.8 Any other Information

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