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Industry Association

The university is recognised and acknowledged by leading corporate and hospitality brands of the country.

The university promotes interaction between academia and industry through the following measures :

Virtual Sessions

The university periodically organises virtual sessions for the students that are carried out be eminent designation holders from the industry. These virtual sessions take place live and are intimated to the students 8-14 days in advance. The students get to interact with industry experts, ask questions as well as seek career advice.

Industry Oriented BOS

The university boasts of a Board of Studies that comprises of notable scholars from the academia, alumni as well as stalwarts from the industry. The BOS meets twice a year and carries out a comprehensive analysis of the curriculum as well as the program content. The BOS actively modifies the curriculum as well as the curriculum in order to incorporate latest industry trends and requirements. This plays a massive role in ensuring delivery of high quality education to the students.

Industry oriented Case Studies

The university ensures that the students get the opportunity of putting their theoretical knowledge into practice. This is achieved through situation based assignments, also referred to as case studies. In these, the students are given an industry specific, subject related, real time situation. The students are expected to study the situation and come up with the optimal solution on the basis of their understanding of the subject.

Virtual Data Accession

The university taps all the extant sources of program related and industry oriented information available on the internet. This can be in the form of vlogs, blogs, e-books, articles, e-newspapers, speech etc. It also includes research papers that have been published online.

For more information, please contact: Ms Pallavi Chaudhari

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